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Course Understand

  Computer graphics includes pictures and films created using computers, such as photographs, drawings, movies, or simulations – pictures of things which do not yet exist and maybe could never exist. Or they may be pictures from places we cannot see directly, such as medical images from inside your body, battlefield visualization, CAD. So we can use it to not only reflect the real world, but also offer help to scientific research.
  Three important topics in computer graphics include Modeling, Animation and Rendering. Modeling is about how to represent objects and how to build those representations; Besides, animation is mainly refers to controlling the way model move; As for rendering, it is mainly about how to simulate the image-forming process. The overall methodology depends heavily on the underlying sciences of geometry and physics. So it is very important for us to get familiar with some knowledge about geometry and physics.
  Computer graphics is responsible for displaying art and image data effectively and meaningfully to the user. In order to reach this purpose, many algorithms are proposed by researcher, such as Bresenham’s Algorithm, Floyd-Steinberg Error Diffusion, MIP Mapping, Ray-casting and etc. These are all used for anti-aliasing, making pictures more vivid and improving speed, when we convert the ideal object to raster representation.
  As an academic discipline, it focuses on the mathematical and computational foundations of image generation and processing rather than purely aesthetic issues. Computer graphics is often differentiated from the field of visualization, although the two fields have many similarities. After the study of a whole term, I gain a lot of knowledge and broaden my views, especially find something interesting about computer graphics, such as Escher’s illusory pictures, mantis shrimp’s ultrafast action and etc.
  Special thanks to our teachers!


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